1529. The Siege of Vienna. Islam, under the flag of Suliman the Magnificent. reached the end of its westward push into Europe, largely due to the fact that heavy rains prevented Suliman from bringing along his heavy artillery, but also due to the willingness of the Viennese to fight to the death to preserve their culture, their city, and their way of life. 2006. The Infiltration of Europe. Millions of Muslims have emmigrated to various points in Europe, taking their culture and religion w...
As noted on the Drudgereport, the Suntimes Link has an article detailing how locatecell.com will dupe the phone company into sending them phone records, then turn around and sell them to whoever is willing to shell out some cash. Great for Private Eyes and jealous spouses, but TERRIBLE for personal privacy. How can this possibly not be illegal?
I'm listening to the Democrat rebuttal to the President's speech at the Anapolis Naval Academy this morning. My impression of Senators Reed and Kerry's rebuttals is that they were written before the President's speech was given. Reed's comments in particular were incredibly vague and could have been a complaint about any potential Presidential speech. And you could really see his makeup line, which is sort of funny. I am so tired of hearing Kerry's whiny voice. His rhetoric is so old, so t...
France has got some trouble... think they're waking up yet? Link
When Saddam is unruly in court, why not beat him? The judge could order him beaten in public on the spot for breaking court rules, being disrespectful of the judge, or whatever. This would have several good effects. First, it would help the Shia who still fear him to see him publicly humiliated and begging for mercy. Second, it would help the Sunni, who still think he's the President to see him publicly humiliated and begging for mercy. Third, it would send the western media in to apoplexy, ...
After shocking the nation by exchanging her 'Grieving Mother' status for political gain, Cindy Sheehan now wants some privacy, according to a statement quoted on the Drudgereport. Sorry, Cindy... You had my deepest sympathy, as do all relatives of our fallen comrades in arms. After using your son's sacrifice to promote your political ideas, however, and trying to claim that Casey died for nothing, I struggle to feel for you. Casey is a hero. He was on the frontlines of our battle against a...
The NWA Mechanics' Union is set to possibly strike just after 11pm CDT tonight. Here's a word of advice: DON'T. My humble suggestion is that you dissolve your union and try some free market economics for a change. Unions are a thing of the past, and while they served a valuable purpose in improving the standard of living for the masses, it occurs to me that continuing to have unions now is like insisting upon driving your car inside the shopping mall instead of parking it in the lot a...
I move we start an oil company which only sells oil that originates in North America. Not only would it help defund the terrorists, but I think it would be a big hit... Most people I know would be willing to pay a premium for terror-free fuel. Canadian Tar Sands anyone?
According to the radio programme I heard this morning, the Japanese gov't has once again apoligized for all the suffering they caused in WWII. How long must they continue doing this? Has no one forgiven them yet? They've been pretty peaceful for 60 years now... I think it's time to officially tell Japan that they're forgiven, that bygones are bygones, etc. It's getting embarassing...
I don't know how many of you travel, but I do quite a bit. And I will tell you this... I profile the hell out of people, and every other private traveller does as well. We're not keeping our eyes open for Granny and her suspicious handbag. No Sir. We're watching those who are more likely to be possessed by the great Satan of modern Islamic fanaticism. (And the hot babes, but that's a different issue.) It is time our governmental agencies get a clue... What is it going to take? A terrorist s...
I've had it. Enough of the fannying about. If the Islamic world can't reign in their extremists, to hell with them. Here's what we'd do if I were in charge: Today: Give Saudi Arabia 24 hour notice to evacuate Medina. Tomorrow: Level Medina, on a permanent sort of basis. (level it once a month in perpetuity). Issue statement that the next Terror attack on any Western country (even France, though I despise them) will result in the same fate for Mecca, without warning. Blow up the fucki...
The Link New York Times indicates that 3.9 million customers' sensitive data was sent on unencrypted mainframe tapes. What were you thinking?
Link Not that I think or don't think this guy is guilty. I really have no opinion on that... What I DO want to discuss here, however, is the judges' thought that the presence of encryption software on someone's computer may be viewed as evidence of criminal intent. Do these guys have any experience with technology, or did someone just pick them up off the street after their fall from the turnip truck, and tell them to start making rulings on things they know nothing about? 'Cause this ...
Something odd has been going on lately. Case #1. T. Shiavo is dying by judicial order in Florida. I know I'm a bit late to the game here, but it occurs to me that the State has no real interest in her death, but it might be in the State's best interest to not make mortal enemies of her parents. Now it could be that the Schindlers are docile, gentlepeople who will accept the judges' authority and will calmly accept what has happened once Terri's body has expired. Arguments about whethe...