Thou dost protest too much
Published on February 3, 2006 By Arquonzo In Religion
The recent over-reaction of a certain vocal subset of Muslims against some fairly tame cartoons printed in some European newspapers seems to reveal an underlying lack of security in the truth of their own religion. Could it be that the Immams, in teaching hatred and violence have failed to teach doctrine or reason? Could it be that the fundamentals of Islam are being so ignored by those who should be teaching the new generation that the youth have no real idea of what true Islam is, and instead of submitting themselves to God, are submitting themselves to violence and hatred? Perhaps they should be taught to be secure in their beliefs so that a mere cartoon drawn by "a non believing Dane" won't cause them to freak out.

on Feb 04, 2006
We are talking about people who use themselves as ordinance so I think that answers that question.
on Feb 04, 2006
I dont think it is insecurity in belief.  But insecurity in their self.  They measure themselves against the people of the West and find themselves wanting.  Their beliefs and religion is just the excuse.  They are not honest enough to admit the truth.
on Feb 10, 2006
common Dr. Its not about honesty as much as we would like to think so. Its about the teaching they get at mosk, that they should sacrafice themselves for their God. Its not unlike some of the Christian teaching back in the middle ages.
They don't find themselves wanting, they don't even have a clue. The culture is so backward and values are fundamentallly so skewed that there is little hope for recovery in aligning those values with our own.

Because of the lack of control over their environment and the fear of losing control over others, this cycle will go on for a long time.
It is a really sad case, that will take decades to begin to heal.