Do you speak L4+iN?
Published on March 25, 2005 By Arquonzo In Personal Computing
I was out computer shopping today. Not because I need a new computer... No, the 700Mhz flood surviving box I got from Greywar is clicking along just fine. It runs Fedora Core 2 now, and a fine specimen of an OS that is, too. No, I don't need another computer. However, MicroCenter was having a sale, and if I had opened a new credit card and had the patience for rebates, I could have scored a new PowerSpec bottom of the line computer with a Sempron processor for a total of $100 (running linux).
After I got home I decided to see what the tech guys have to say about the Sempron processor, as this was the first time I'd heard of the beast. And this is what I found: Link Check out the 4th paragraph, it's a good chuckle. For those of you too lazy to look at the link, what it's basically saying is that the name Sempron is a fusion of Latin and L33+.

on Mar 25, 2005

Yout right! I was too lazy to click the link. Glad you put the answer in your blog.

Now, why they did that, I don't know.

A computer for 100 dollars? Post pictures! This could be the answer for peoplw who can not afford 300 dollar hardware!
on Mar 26, 2005
Hehehe... "Always pornographic". Sounds like the chip for me!